Protecting Yourself from COVID-19 with Chinese Medicine

In this video, I try my darndest to break down Traditional Chinese medicine’s view on COVID-19 into plain n’ simple terms. I also shared three things you can do to protect yourself from COVID-19  (and other seasonal “bugs”) that you might not have thought of.

As I mentioned at 2:15, learn more about Damp-causing foods here.

IMPORTANT: The suggestions in this video do not replace CDC recommendations. Wash your hands, minimizing contact with others, and if you’re sick—even if you think it’s just a little cold—please stay home (for everyone’s sake).

We all need to be on the same page with this one.

Did you learn anything new from this video? And what’s one suggestion that you can start doing right now to protect yourself from COVID-19? Please share your thoughts (or questions) in the comments below!

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24 Responses

  1. Thanks, Sharon . This made me stop and think even tho I have heard it before. Sometimes we just need to stop and think! We are well. I afraid I will be climbing walls before this is over!

    1. Oh, good. I totally agree! Although, sometimes we need to stop and NOT think too, but that’s a whole other topic. ;) Sending good health wishes to you and Millett, and I hope you can get back to all of your daily endeavors soon! XOX

  2. Thanks, Sharon!! With your advice on keeping healthy and Pat’s Pilates-strength, she should be *able* to climb walls before this is all over! Jon loved this video too and wants to add his 2-cents of American expertise… “Sleep & hydrate” he says!

    1. SO true, Kendal! I hope Pat sees this post. She is a superhero in so many ways. And please thank Jon for sharing his well-earned “American” expertise! lol I’ll have to remind folks of these important recommendations in another post. A deep bow of gratitude for his work on the front line (not just with COVID-19, but EVERY day). Firefighters ROCK!!! XOX

    1. Hi, Sister. :) It was actually in the 60s that day (despite the snow on the ground). There was a lady around the corner in a bikini and a guy walking around with shorts and a t-shirt. I may look overly warm, but at least my Wei Qi was protected! lol

  3. Oh my! So wonderful to see your face, hear your voice, and listen to your wisdoms!! I miss you so, and totally appreciate your thoughts on this crisis. I remember my first acupuncture treatment, the practitioner talking about our “wind gate” on the back of our neck, and I’ve never forgotten it, but appreciate the reminder too!
    It looks so beautiful and crisp there, and you are a sight for sore eyes ❤️

    1. Thank you, Love! I miss you too!! YES! The back of the neck is often referred to as the “Wind Gate” (which is also the name of a local acupuncture point). We need to be extra careful to protect this area, especially in cold, damp, windy weather. Just another reason to stock up on cute scarves! :) XOX ❤️

  4. Thank you so much Sharon, for staying in touch, and continuing to share your wisdom. It’s always helpful, and even more so now. At least the sun has been out in the Puget Sound area, enabling us to get out into our gardens for dirt and plant therapy. I will stay bundled up!

      1. So good to see and heR you,Sharon! Thank you for the good advice. We are definitely trying to stay well during this scary time. So far we are fine. We will take your advice to heart. Be sure to take good care of yourselves. We miss you.
        Connie and Tom

  5. Very much enjoyed this. I’m glad that Ali mentioned you on her IG about this. I didn’t want you to stop giving advice so will you perhaps be adding more info very very soon?

    1. Thank you, Christa! I needed that nudge. :) I just shared a new video that I made 3 weeks ago, right before I got swept up in a big move. I finally feel like I can breathe again, so I’ll be sharing lots more soon. Thanks again! ❤️

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